Celebrating 75 Years!

Canter's Cave 4-H Camp is Celebrating 75 Years!

Join us this year in celebrating Canter's Cave 4-H Camp in our 75th Anniversary. We are so excited to offer limited edition 75th Anniversary items, activities, and more for our camp supporters. More information to come! 


$75,000 for 75 Years!

Join us in fundraising $75,000 for 75 Years! Funds raised will go towards many needed improvements around camp, helping camp move forward for another 75 years! Readers can donate to the campaign at give.osu.edu/CantersCave75


Camp Open House - Sunday, May 5th from 12:00 - 4:00 PM

First, we hope to highlight our 75th birthday at the Camp Open House in May. This is a family friendly event where families can come and enjoy camp's amenities for the day to get a taste of what camp is about. There are snacks, games, and raffles. We will have general displays available that describe the history of camp with memorabilia from over the years. We might even have some limited edition 75th anniversary items available! 


7.5K Trailwalk/run

In September, we will be hosting a 7.5K trail walk and run at Canter's Cave. Join us for a fun day on the trails as we connect all the trail systems into one! There will be food, drinks, and auction items available. Don't miss out on your chance for a beautiful fall hike at Canter's Cave! More information to come!


75th Anniversary Celebration Banquet - January 2025

In January of 2025, we will be hosting one final celebration in honor of Canter's Cave's 75th anniversary. This banquet will be open to all Canter's Cave supporters. Here, we will celebrate Friends of Canter's Cave and celebrate those who have given selflessly to camp over the years. We hope to see you there! More information and ticket pricing to come.